Business As Usual! However, as a precautionary measure in the face of COVID-19, we will halt all physical meetings involving any of our team member. Rest assured, everything else with regard to our projects are still in continuity. Let’s hustle, folks!

Add users to Google Analytics

Please follow the below steps to add our team into your Google Analytics account:

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics..
  2. Click Admin, and navigate to the desired account/property/view.
  3. In the ACCOUNT, PROPERTY, or VIEW column (depending upon whether you want to add the user at the account, property, or view level), click User Management.
  4. Under Add permissions for, enter the email address for the user’s Google Account.
  5. Select the permissions you want. Learn more about permissions.
  6. Select Notify this user by email to send a notification to each user you’re adding.
  7. Click Add.
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