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The List of Must-Haves of A Good Website

The importance of having a website for your business cannot be overstated in this digital world. But what’s more important, is having a good website.

While a good design is often subjective, having a good website isn’t. There are clear signs and features that every good website should have.

To aid the cause for businesses going digital, here’s a list of must-have features for a good website:

Mobile Responsiveness

With more than half of website traffic coming from mobiles, it is now a necessity for websites to be mobile responsive.

This means your website optimises according to the screen of the users, to provide an ideal viewing experience that is easy to read and navigate. If you don’t intend to lose 50% of your potential customers, mobile-responsiveness is a feature you can’t leave out for a good website.

To add mobile-responsive as one of the features on your website, contact an experienced team to help you with it.

Space & White Space

A cluttered and messy layout and design is the definite sign of a bad website. And to avoid creating a bad website, it is crucial that you have ample space.

Cluttered layouts are commonly found in websites with spammy content and irritating pop-up ads, clear indicators of what to avoid for a good website. As duh as it may sound, having spaces in between your website elements keeps it from becoming messy.

Utilising white spaces in your design is another way to create sufficient space and adding a touch of class into your website.

So add adequate spaces and white spaces to your website.

Clear & Conventional Navigation

Thinking out-of-the-box may be important, but there are other elements to implement your creativity on. Navigation is not one of them.

When it comes to navigation, using conventions ensures the customers able to move around your website easily. One such point is to have the navigation bar visible at all times and on every page.  

This is important for user satisfaction, and especially so for customers to provide you with leads and sales.

Strong Call-To-Action (CTA)

Something as simple as a strong CTA button can also be the distinction for good and bad websites. You have successfully captured the visitor’s attention, and he/she is hooked. But what next? Don’t leave them hanging. Not when they are ready to commit.

A strong CTA is a clear solution to this issue, by guiding the users to your intended result; CTA image and buttons have been shown to improve conversion rates tremendously.

Want to improve your conversation rates tremendously? Check this out.

Fast Loading

It is nice to have features, videos and various animations on your site. But like everything, the key is to have balance. The other end of the scale is fast loading speed.

While additional gimmicks may boost user experience, it will have an adverse effect if it sacrifices loading speed. No one enjoys waiting too long (more than 5 seconds) for something to load.

By optimising for loading speed, there’s an added bonus of improving your website’s SEO rankings as well. If SEO is more of your thing, we have something for that.

(A good website needs a CTA. So does a good article.)

Check out our portfolio for a showcase of our extensive digital services, or speak to our team to create a tailored digital solution.

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