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4 Tell-tale Signs of Bad UX in Website Design

Is User Experience (UX) important for website design? If you value how visitors on your website feel and navigate to the payment page, then yes. You want potential customers to have a painless experience throughout their journey with you and bad UX is a hindrance to that.

Good UX on web design in Malaysia is tantamount to having good sales staff to increase sales and provide good customer experience, while bad UX and sales staff turn your customers away. 

Achieve the UX worthy of the digital adage by identifying these 4 tell-tale signs that you need to do something about the UX of your site:

Slow Loading Speed

Not all speed kills. In this situation, not having speed will kill your brand.

Before customers enter your website, they need to load it up first and no one waits beyond the maximum loading time of 5 seconds in the 4G era.  Fancy designs and visuals are great but if it comes at the cost of your loading speed, then steer clear of it. 

Put some thought into the various aspects of your site and optimise them to improve the loading speed of it. From compressing your programming files to optimising your images, there are a couple of ways to go about improving this aspect of UX for your site. 

High Bounce Rates

Bad UX is frustrating and it’s evident in the statistics of your website, particularly your bounce rates. High bounce rates are great tells of bad UX and indicative of users getting out as soon as they see your website design.

Messy layouts, unfriendly navigation or outdated designs can easily send your potential leads off and running. 

Take a look at your Google Analytics and monitor that statistic regularly. After all, high bounce rates can be extremely destructive to your search engine rankings and the work you put in to improve your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Want your SERP to go up the rankings? Consider looking for an expert SEO agency to take a look at it. 

Pop-Up Ads

Repeat after me, I will not use pop-up ads. No… just, no.

Imagine your customers trying to purchase a product and being stopped by pop-up ads continuously. At this point, it’s more likely they will ‘x’ off your website then following through with the payment. 

Unnecessary pop-up ads are so last century, and they definitely don’t belong in this decade’s website design. Not only do they take-up loading speeds, but they’re also extremely disruptive to user experience as illustrated above. 

If you’re going to do a pop-up ad, you may as well place it within your web design itself. 

Low Session Duration

Like we said, bad UX is offputting and causes a lot of distress to users. As a result, users looking to achieve something on your website would look to spend as little time as possible on the page. 

Bad UX affects the readability of content on your site, which means users are a lot less inclined to look through them and they’re less likely to be convinced by your site. 

The development of a single site requires the work of many – a copywriter, a website designer, a web developer. Don’t let the lack of UI/UX cause their efforts to go unappreciated. 

Choose UI/UX Over Fancy

UI/UX principles have to be adhered to for web design in the digital era. Although it’s okay to jazz it up once in a while, it’s superfluous if users are unable to enjoy it. 

For that reason and those already mentioned above, we recommend that you engage only a web design company that is based on UI/UX principles. That’s if you want an effective website development in Singapore. 

It’s time to speak to an experienced web design agency with UI/UX designers today!

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