Business As Usual! However, as a precautionary measure in the face of COVID-19, we will halt all physical meetings involving any of our team member. Rest assured, everything else with regard to our projects are still in continuity. Let’s hustle, folks!

Branding Agency in Malaysia

ECommerce in Malaysia: Why and How is Shopee Topping ECommerce Charts

ECommerce in Malaysia: How Shopee Is Topping ECommerce Charts

“Shopee!”  You’ve probably heard this notification go off on your phone a gazillion times by now. And you can even hear that in the actual sound! In the first quarter of 2020 itself, Shopee led the eCommerce market as the most clicked e-commerce site in Malaysia. We’re talking about approximately 27 million clicks in the …

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6 Brands That Reinvented Their Brand Logos Amidst COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, companies experience the impact first-hand and need to face this crisis head-on. But as the global widespread continues, brands are also stepping up their individual efforts to promote solidarity. From modifying logos to even slogans, some of the world’s biggest brands are riding on the wave to build meaningful …

6 Brands That Reinvented Their Brand Logos Amidst COVID-19 Read More »